We have currently added a further 42 varieties to our range for the 2022 season with the ambition of bringing some brand new and also tried and tested varieties to the market for the next season. A list of which can be found below or in our 2022 supplement
All of the varieties listed have been trialed here on site over the coarse of this year and we believe there are some fantastic additions to an already strong A-Z list of over 900 varieties. During next year, we will continue to trial some new varieties with the intention of either adding these into the range part-way through 2022 or for the 2023 season, depending on availability of stock.
1 Litre Varieties:
Astilbe Astary Rose
Astilbe Astary White
Carlina acaulis ssp. caulescens
Commelinia dianthifolia
Echium amoenum 'Red Feathers'
Eriogonum allenii 'Little Rascal'
Leucanthemum Madonna
Lilium formosanum Pricei
Physochlaina orientalis
Phyteuma scheuchzeri
Scutellaria resinosa 'Smokey Hills'
Scutellarian suffrutescens 'Cherry Skullcap'
3 Litre Varieties
Agastache Little Adder
Achillea Milly Rock Red
Achillea Milly Rock Rose
Achillea Milly Rock Terracotta
Antirrhinum Dazzling Lips Red
Antirrhinum Dazzling Lips Yellow
Coreopsis Sizzle & Spice Crazy Cayenne
Coreopsis Sizzle & Spice Zesty Zinger
Dianthus Baby Doris
Erodium pelar. Spanish Eyes
Euphorbia 'Bonfire'
Gaillardia Spintop Red
Gaura Belleza White
Helenium Salud Embers
Leucanthemum Spellbook Lumos
Lilium formosanum Pricei
Lupinus Lupini Blue
Lupinus Lupini Yellow
Lupinus Lupini Pink
Lupinus Lupini Red
Nepeta Kitten Around
Physostegia Autumn Carnival
Prunella Summer Daze
Ranunculus mixed
Rhodanthemum Zagora Orange
Rudbeckia Summerdaiys Double Apricot
Salvia Rose Marvel
Sedum Dark Magic
Sedum Desert Black
Silene Rollies Favourite
Digitalis Arctic Fox Rose
'Astilbe Astary Rose' Featured below